Shale gas fracking is a disaster for:


The NT is connected by one water table. When that water is polluted by the dangerous fracking process, all of our water is poisoned.


Our deserts, springs, plains, and bushland are too precious to risk with dangerous fracking wells. It’ll poison groundwater, pollute the air, destroy sacred sites, and change our seasons.


Fracking poisons water and land, and emits toxic fumes into the air. States across the world have banned fracking because it makes people sick.

Pledge to Switch from Origin Energy

If you’re an Origin Energy customer, you have a powerful voice! As a company, they rely on their customers to make billions of years a year from gas, electricity (and internet) sales, which means they really care what you think.  So as a customer, firstly make sure you let them know why you’re concerned about their plans for fracking in the NT! You can use our handy “guide to calling Origin Energy” here which also includes some tips on how to take your complaints to social media too.  You may also want to leave Origin and change energy providers - but hold tight! Keep using your customer power for now, by letting them know that if they don’t back away from their plans for fracking that you will leave. So for now, take the pledge to switch and if they don’t listen, we’ll get thousands of people to leave on the same day - how powerful would that be?!  And then next time Origin calls you about your gas bill, or an Origin worker comes to change your gas bottle, or you just want to put in a complaints, drop your customer title and use it to escalate your concern up the chain.  You can use the “as an Origin customer I’m incredibly concerned about…” line as many times are you want!

Will you sign?

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Northern Territory Fracking Map

51% of the Northern Territory is under oil and gas licences

Right now, 51% of the NT is covered in exploration licenses for oil and gas. If all of this went ahead, much of the Aboriginal owned land would have country polluted by the shale gas industry. Our deserts, springs, plains, and bushland are too precious to risk with dangerous fracking wells. It’ll poison groundwater, pollute the air, destroy sacred sites, and change our seasons.

Climate Justice Now!

Self determination

Communities have a right to have the final say about what happens on their country, and to make decisions about their own lives. Only when communities have the freedom to define their own path, can our people truly heal.

Land Rights not mining rights

Native Title law in this country is broken. It is not strong enough to protect country from mining companies and greedy politicians who can’t take no for an answer. Together we must strengthen our land rights and put community before profits.

Solar in communities

The NT is one of the sunniest places on earth, but right now many remote communities rely on expensive diesel generators to keep the lights on. Communities can become energy self sufficient and supply clean and cheap power with solar and batteries.