Supporter Stories

I'm a young Garawa man from Sandridge Outstation in Borroloola. My family and I are fighting hard against fracking. We're standing up strong...

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Scott McDinny

I'm a young Yanyuwa man from Borroloola, a remote community in the Northern Territory. We’ve grown up seeing and hearing stories from...

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Nick Milyari Fitzpatrick

I'm a Mudburra woman from the community of Marlinja. It's important that the Northern Territory Government takes the time to listen to...

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Eleanor Dixon

I'm a Warlpiri man from Yuendumu. Our land is extremely important to our mob, it ties with our dreaming. We will fight...

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Uncle Ned Jampijinpa Hargraves

I'm a Jingili Mudburra man from Marlinja. We live off the land, our country gives us tucker. Our country is our culture, country...

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Todman Dixon

I'm a Garawa man from Borroloola. Springs, rivers, dream sites, wildlife, fishing, agriculture and tourism is all important in our community. We need...

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Keith Rory

I'm a Yanuwa & Garrawa woman from Borroloola. Those four rivers on Garawa country, we’re going to fight for that water for our...

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Aunty Nancy McDinny