I'm a young Garawa man from Sandridge Outstation in Borroloola. My family and I are fighting hard against fracking. We're standing up strong to protect our country. And we're getting all our family, all our people. In the Northern Territory, we're trying to get everyone to fight with us and stand with us. And we are getting it real strong!
I'm a young Yanyuwa man from Borroloola, a remote community in the Northern Territory. We’ve grown up seeing and hearing stories from the old people who recognised climate change. And now we’re seeing it for ourselves. It’s changing our seasons -the calendar, we can’t go off it anymore. It’s just useless to us. We have to freestyle hunt and gather to get our native foods.
I'm a Mudburra woman from the community of Marlinja. It's important that the Northern Territory Government takes the time to listen to us because at the end of the day, us mob we live in a community and we don't want to get affected by fracking. If we get affected, how are we going to live then? Our children have to know how to fight for our land. How are they going to fight if no one is standing up and talking. We all share this country. We all need to come together for the future of our children. Otherwise they'll be in the cities. They won't speak our language, we lose our culture, our traditions our ceremony, ours songs and then what?
I'm a Warlpiri man from Yuendumu. Our land is extremely important to our mob, it ties with our dreaming. We will fight this fracking all the way. Without water and without clean country none of us can survive.
I'm a Jingili Mudburra man from Marlinja. We live off the land, our country gives us tucker. Our country is our culture, country gives us our totem. It gives us our identity. If they kill our country from fracking, they kill our spirit. We've all got to get together to stop fracking poisoning our water.
I'm a Garawa man from Borroloola. Springs, rivers, dream sites, wildlife, fishing, agriculture and tourism is all important in our community. We need to stand strong to defend our country from fracking.
I'm a Yanuwa & Garrawa woman from Borroloola. Those four rivers on Garawa country, we’re going to fight for that water for our children and ban fracking. We want this land to be strong and healthy for our children so they can go out bush hunting and fishing in the clean environment. Our water has to be clean and healthy for everyone to drink.