Tell Origin Energy to Frack Off
Thanks for joining the fight and standing in Solidarity with Traditional Owners
How to make a complaint
Making a complaint is a powerful way of influencing Origin’s retail team.
If the retail team starts seeing an influx of complaints citing concerns with fracking, they will be forced to report it to their executives - amplifying the pressure.
Complaining to Origin is super easy and only takes a few minutes!
- Click on this link:
- Follow the prompts in giving your details
- In the “Tell us how we can help” section, write a few sentences outlining why you think Origin should not frack in the NT.
Complain through social media
Origin’s social media is how they reach and engage with a bunch of customers and potential customers. It’s also a space shareholders are more likely to watch in the lead-up to the AGM than at any other time of the year.
Note: Origin seems to be more responsive to Facebook than any other form of social media.
There’s a bunch of ways you call out Origin’s “good energy” hypocrisy and raise awareness of Origin’s plans to frack to their key audience on social media:
- Leave a comment on their Facebook posts
- If you see their Facebook ads, leave a comment
- DM their Facebook page
- Tag them in your Facebook and Instagram stories @OriginEnergy
- Social media is a space you can be less formal and a bit cheekier, especially on posts where they highlight things like: sustainability, lowering carbon footprints or emissions, investing in renewable energy or their “action” on climate change. If you get stuck, check out the key messages above.
Direct message on FB
Call them to complain
Call 13 24 61 this is their customer service press 1 then press 2 as someone looking to switch to Origin
- You can also try 13 35 74, or 1300 791 468 if you're having trouble getting through.
Choose a sales or general enquiries menu option
- Press 1 for home - If there is a long wait you can request a live chat
Click here for talking points!
Send them an email to express your concerns
We want to make sure that all levels of Origin staff know that public concern over their plans to frack is growing so their senior executives start really feeling the pressure. To make sure they’re getting the message directly, you can email the CEO of Origin, Frank Calabria.
Here are some tips for writing an email:
Your aim is to be persuasive: Reflect and give them reasons for your genuine concern, rather than just saying you’re concerned.
- Remember, the more personal the email, the more likely it will have an impact.
- Be polite and friendly, ALL CAPS and raging is unlikely to be read or get a response
- Ask for a response from them which addresses your concerns
- Click here for some email writing tips
The email address of Origin Energy’s CEO is: [email protected]
Gary from Wights Mountain signed
2021-10-13 19:00:54 +1100
Michele from Preston signed
2021-10-13 18:32:48 +1100
Georgia from Burnley signed
2021-10-13 13:17:10 +1100