Day Of Action: Don't Frack Aboriginal Land Rights - Brisbane
The people of the Northern Territory urgently need our help to protect country and water from dangerous gas field fracking.
Right now, the Territory government is deciding whether to allow gas companies to frack up groundwater and country endangering precious and sacred water systems, or to ban the practice for good.
Together, we can show them that the whole country is watching, and that we all stand in solidarity with NT mob who don't want this on their land and who want to stop the dangerous climate impacts from shale fracking impacting their future.
Join us at the Brisbane snap rally to ensure the NT government bans fracking for good.
WHAT: Snap rally to put national pressure on NT chief minister Michael Gunner to ban fracking in the Northern Territory
WHEN: Wed 21st March, 8:45 -9:30am
WHERE: Queens Gardens, 144 George Street, Brisbane City.
WHO: Everyone who cares about land rights in this country and wants to see the NT protected from dangerous fracking
If you have any questions, contact Millie Anthony at [email protected]