Complain about Origin's plans to frack the NT

The Northern Territory is a beautiful place, but right now, big gas company Origin Energy has plans to drill for dangerous shale gas through precious groundwater, sacred sites and rivers.

Right now, they’re in Sydney having their AGM and Traditional Owners from the communities where Origin plans to frack are telling the Board and Executive that they don’t want fracking on their country.

There are so many reasons why fracking is a bad idea, you can choose just one of them to talk to the Origin PR team about. To make sure everyone can get through, we’ve included their landlines, mobiles and emails so you can get them via call or text. 

Here’s some talking points, remember to stay calm, and if you’re a customer or shareholder make sure to mention that!

  • Hi there, my name is XXXX I’d like to lodge a complaint about Origin’s plans to frack for shale gas in the Northern Territory.
  • I am very concerned about fracking in the Beetaloo Basin when many Traditional Owners are coming forward and saying that they were not appropriately asked, that they did not understand what they were signing onto, or the right people were not asked.
  • If Origin was really serious about addressing climate change and being a champion of clean energy, it would not be embarking on the risky and polluting venture of shale gas fracking. The direct and fugitive emissions of fracking the Beetaloo Basin would be 4-5 times more damaging to our climate than the controversial Adani coal mine, making it impossible to keep warming below 1.5 degrees.
  • With plans to drill over 500 wells in the coming years, Origin should have a serious think about whether
  • I would like to see Origin Energy drop this project and instead focus on clean renewable energy that doesn’t pollute land, water, culture and climate.
  • I am part of a growing movement of people who are ready to stop fracking in the NT, this is just the start
  • What will be the next steps for progressing this complaint?
  • Thank you for your time.

Anneliis Allen

Group Manager, External Affairs

phone(02) 8345 5119

Phone 0428 967 166

[email protected]

Stuart Osbourne

Media Manager, Retail

phone(03) 9652 5781

Phone 0427 586 401

[email protected]

Tracy Ong

Senior External Affairs Manager

(02) 8345 5213

0408 400 227

[email protected]