Stingray Sisters Documentary
Stingray Sisters is a documentary series produced by Yarn and we at Seed are really proud to be working with them to help promote this beautiful story about three sisters and their fight to protect country. Check out the trailer below and share with your family and friends.
This is a story of three sisters, set in the remote Aboriginal community of Maningrida in the Northern Territory, east of Darwin in Arnhem Land.
Watch here:
"Battling personal issues that few of us will ever face; witnessing young people lose hope and more and more elders pass and a lifetime of knowledge pass with them, the sisters are facing their next daunting challenge. They received notice of an application to explore for oil or gas throughout Arnhem Land. They know that even with everything that’s come before this, the threat of mining will be one of the biggest and most relentless challenges the community will ever face. The sisters believe that the impact of exploration will destroy important, historically sacred areas, along with devastating fishing grounds that the community rely on for survival. More than anything, it would destroy their home and it will destroy the person they cherish above anyone else, their mother Helen Djimbarrawala Williams. The sisters have opened their world to all of us in the hope that we, as viewers, can learn something about what it means to be a young Indigenous person in a nation where being Indigenous has never been seen for what it really is, a precious gift."
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