Had an amazing night with friends old and new at @seedmob's #blacktrivia event tonight! Not only did I have a fun time and buy myself a #vegan baking session at the Skills Auction, but I learnt more about our #Aboriginal & #TorresStraitIslander history as well as #seedmob's current actions against climate change and for a better future. Being on the tied-first-place team also won me a copy of Clare Land's "Decolonising Solidarity: Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles" and this awesome #aboriginalflag charm (which of course Duplo cat destroyed the instant I brought it home đź‘Žđź‘Žđź‘Žđź‘Ž) Now I'm too buzzed to sleep even though I'm exhausted and this week at work is going to be hugely demanding!https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xft1/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12237144_175894776091594_111908978_n.jpg